Altronics - DPA-400
Altronics - DPA-400
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Capture board | Audio and video signal testers

Part Number : DPA-400

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DPA-400 is a DP 1.4 AUX Channel Monitor HDCP 1.4 and 2.2 compatible. It is essential for verifying or debugging Compliance Test or Interoperability Test results. With the AUX Channel Monitor GUI the source sink interaction will be fully accessible directly on your computer.

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  • DP Interfaces
    One DisplayPort™ input and one output.
    AUX channel and HPD signals passthrough
  • Custom I/O
    3 trigger inputs, 3 expansion outputs, HPD output
    ESD protection on all external signals
  • PC Interface
    USB interface, USB-powered
    Software upgrade capability through USB
  • Operating Systems
    Windows® 10, 8 and 7
  • Functionality
    Log AUX Channel traffic and trigger signals.
    Detect and parse all DP 1.0, 1.1, 1.2,1.3 and DP 1.4 DPCD locations and Sideband CH Communication messages.
    Data store and reload in binary format.
    Virtually unlimited capture buffer size.
    Time stamps with 32 µs resolution.
    HTML report generation.
  • Size
    10.5 x 13 x 3.5 cm
  • Weight
    260 g

Main features

Device independent
Compatible with all DP versions
Time stamped interaction log
Detect and parse all DPCD locations
Decode Sideband Channel
Communication messages
Pocket Sized
USB controlled and powered



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